Although financial compensation is generally the best way to reward and retain people, there are other ways you can let employees know you value them — without busting your budget. For example, consider tangible rewards other than money. At Siddhi Accountants Pvt Ltd. we write a personal "thank you" note and enclose a small gift card when a staff member achieves something special, or reward that person with an extra vacation or personal day. We also Offer the employee more flexible hours, such as earlier starting and leaving times or the option to telecommute.
It is also important to never underestimate the value of praise and recognition. Siddhi Accountants Pvt Ltd. acknowledge's employees for a job well done at staff meetings and invite "star" employees to be introduced at a board meeting and strive to represent the star employees an industry conference and or send them for training sessions to sharpen their skills to keep the updated. We strongly believe that all of these actions reflect company's confidence in those individuals and indicate their importance to the organization.